Monday, January 2, 2012

I'm still here!

I'm so woefully behind on blogging.  I always feel if I don't have any good pictures to add then it's really not a blog.

Well, this is just me talking.  Random thoughts about my life at this moment.

I just turned 55.  I embrace every single birthday because for me every one after my 34th is a gift.  The car accident that almost took my life and changed my life forever is long past, 21 years to be exact.  Sometimes it feels like it was just yesterday(especially when my bones are talking to me) and sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago.  Which it was...that was a different life.

This life I have now, I'm pretty happy with.  I love that I can play in the clay making what makes me happy.  I've been recently telling people my philosophy...that is, love what you make and make what you love.  I am thrilled that the things that I make are being enjoyed by people all over the world   Yes, I'm officially international with several overseas shipments to Japan, France, UK and Australia.

I far exceeded my goals for last year in my Etsy shop.  I had hoped to double my sales.  I actually tripled my sales.  And the new year is already starting off with 4 sales.  My husband has also decided at to get into the act with his own shop of wood turnings and soon, metal art.  I guess he didn't want me to have all the fun! :-)

I've been blessed with a wonderful family and now my precious grand daughter.  Good friends, too.  Both in real life and virtually.  Now that is something I never thought I would say!  I have virtual friends!  Team mates on Etsy that are so supportive, blogging buddies and even facebook friends.  So I guess I have finally come into the 21st century.  It only took me 10 years, LOL!!

So I have rambled on enough now.  I promise I'll try to do better.  Just wait til Spring and I'll have lots to blog about.



  1. Happy Birthday Julie!

    I thought you have been absent from the blogging world because of spending time with your new granddaughter. You have to get those cuddles in while they are babies, they grow up so fast!

    Congrats on your shop! It is really doing well, and you have much to be proud of. I checked out your hubby's shop and was very impressed.

    Have a healthy and happy New Year! be sure to tell us when the little one crawls, walks, and all of the awesome things babies do!

  2. It sounds like you have so much to be thankful for! Wow! You are right, we should all look at our days as gifts because that is what they are.

    I'm glad your shop is doing so well. I'll bet 2012 will be even better!

  3. Nice to "hear" from you, Julie -- "see" you on Facebook and here in your blog!! Congrats on all your sales! Ruth of (I'm behind on my blogging, too, LOL!)


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