Sunday, November 7, 2010

Halloween was so much fun!

Zombie graveyard
Pod people
I haven't stopped since my last posting.  I got back Monday from spending Halloween at my sister's.  She went all out decorating the house and when I got there we finished up the yard.  It was complete with a grave yard and head stones, scary crows attached to the porch step railing, spider webs and spooky pod people hanging from the ceiling of the front porch.

Of course, we had to dress up!  With my gray hair I make a great witch and she decided on the zombie look. Seriously, my sister can do anything.  She saw some stuff on line on Halloween make up and just sat down and did her face.  It looked great!  She drew in skull teeth around her lips and blackened her eyes and cheeks.

Ghoul under the porch!
Zombie and witch women!
The kids started coming around about 5:30 and it really got going about 7:00.  Hers was the best house in the neighborhood.  We had scary music playing in the background and people were stopping to take pictures and video.  I'm the one with the hat! Like I said, I'm a great witch!

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