Friday, June 26, 2015

New and improved

New roof for the shop

Working on new shelves

New desk all organized and ready to take on more business

It was time for a new roof on the old house that is my studio.  It's been kinda leaky for years but was something I could live with until this year.  Actually, I was fine with it but my insurance company said I had to replace it.  So nice and new roof!

Then at home we got new carpet in our living room and the area I use for my desk.  This is where I do all the household business and also my pottery business.  After we moved the old desk out my sweet husband suggested that since everything was moved it would be a good idea to paint and reorganize for a better use of space.  Well, I jumped on that!!  I hated moving all that "stuff" but it was worth it.  I will be better organized.  But let me tell you, the week I had everything scattered all over the house was stressful.  I have to keep things in their place or I get a little crazy!  

So new things for Willow Tree Pottery.  Shiny!!


  1. Excellent. I'm about to embark on shop/studio renovations as well. I definitely need to be more organized as I am lazy with "paper".

  2. Looks good! Now that it's finished, I bet it feels good too!


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